Make a Difference

Thanks to generous donations from supporters like you, we will continue to fight for social and environmental justice to improve the health and wellbeing of our marginalized and disadvantaged community residents.  Together we will rise to the challenge to heal Mother Earth.

Marie Harrison Community Foundation, Inc is a self-sustaining non-profit.  We are working toward sustainable environmental and social justice change, by bringing science and engineering together for eco-safe real solutions to tackle continued industrial pollution and mounting global climate change.

The fight for environmental justice is not a sprint, but a marathon walked one day at a time. We will never surrender or give up the fight for clean air, water, and land, the only way we can sustain life on this beautiful planet we share is because we can all agree it’s worth saving.

Accepting donations online, by mail, or in person for the Marie Harrison Academic Scholarship to build on the talents, curiosity, and leadership of our youth to tackle real-world change and the adults that will support and guide them through it.

Please make check donations payable to:

Marie Harrison Community Foundation, Inc

528 Carter St, Unit 104A

San Francisco, CA 94134


Join the team with a donation